Well, off I go!! I am leaving for the airport in about 30 minutes. I can’t believe the time has come for me to move to San Francisco and I am so excited!!
My last day of work at SunTrust (which was a super sad event!) was Thursday, March 18th and then it was off to New Orleans for Abbegayle and Mike’s wedding with my parents. I am so glad I had a free week between leaving SunTrust and moving to San Francisco, I crammed a lot in! I had four wedding appointments, 2 phone interviews, 3 late nights at Caribou coffee, worked on tons of wedding items, packed a shipping container full of my belongings, etc. I also got to do lots of fun things like lunch with my mom at Mary Mac’s for old times’ sake, margaritas with my dad at Willy’s, walks in Piedmont Park and around Atlantic Station, a run on GT campus, night at home in Dville by the fire with my parents, night out dancing in midtown with Cristina and Amy that ended with a meal from Krystals, lunch with Hosea, and a celebratory dinner with my parents at Five Seasons Brewery last night. It was so much fun to hear my parents reminisce about when they moved into their first place- their handy-down furniture, shaggy carpet, etc., and how happy my dad was to have more than a mattress and fridge (his life prior to my mom’s homemaking J).
San Francisco and Paul, here I come! After 27 years in a 30-mile radius, my life is about to change in many big and exciting ways. Paul and I have been dating for 6.5 years but have been apart for the past 3.5 years, so, needless to say, I am quite thrilled about being with him in the same city again, particularly these last few weeks before our wedding!! We already have several fun things planned and are having a good time setting up our apartment. We are both definitely ready to nest and may be getting a dresser today from Craig’s List. Paul has been there alone for a month, so I am curious to see what he has done with the place. . .
Hooray!! Off to the airport to hop on a United flight with a connection in Chicago. I hope my four bags make it safely. . . J