Well, the weather wasn't the best this past weekend, so we got a lot of errand running done and things around the apartment, including an evening of wedding work (Paul was rewarded by an hour-long run/walk to Golden Gate Park, which was a bit tough for me but thrilling for him :). On Saturday night, we went to this hole-in-the-wall place just south of Market Street to hear one of his old co-workers sing with her band. We had the best time! The drinks were pretty cheap and the atmosphere was very casual, so it made for a great night. Rain was determined to fall all day on Sunday, but we still got up and went to volunteer at Sunday Streets, a program that shuts down different streets each time for pedestrians, cyclists, etc. This time the beachfront road and others near Golden Gate Park were shut down, and Paul and I helped with setup, which meant we walked a couple of miles in the rain placing police barricades and signs. Our reward was lunch coupons for a taco truck near the ocean :) The picture above is me with two jackets on underneath my orange Sunday Streets shirt, and the lump that makes my rear end look huge is my GT bookbag, so definitely not my best look :) The event is a great idea, one we will have to try again when the weather is better!!
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